Frequently Asked Questions

I.M. Healthy SoyNut Butter:

I.M. Healthy SoyNut Butter DOES NOT contain peanuts, tree nuts of any type, sesame, sunflower, dairy, egg, gluten, fish or shellfish. Our products are manufactured in a facility free of those ingredients to eliminate cross contamination.

I.M. Healthy SoyNut Butter is made from soybeans which may be an allergen to some people. Some, but not all, varieties of SoyNut Butter contain maltodextrin, an ingredient derived from corn.

I.M. Healthy Peanut/Tree Nut Free Granola

I.M. Healthy Peanut/Nut Free Granola DOES NOT contain peanuts, tree nuts of any type, sesame, dairy, egg, fish or shellfish. Our products are manufactured in a facility free of those ingredients to eliminate cross contamination. For I.M. Healthy Granola with fruit, we use dried fruits with no sulfites.

Southern Homestyle Corn Flake and Tortilla Crumbs:

The Corn Flake and Tortilla Crumbs DO NOT contain peanuts, tree nuts of any type, sesame, sunflower, dairy, egg, wheat (gluten), soy, fish or shellfish. The two varieties are manufactured in a facility free of those ingredients to eliminate cross contamination.

The Corn Flake and Tortilla Crumbs are manufactured from corn which may be an allergen to some people. The “caramel color” in the Corn Flake Crumb is from corn sugar. The “lime” in the Tortilla Crumb is calcium hydroxide.

Is "SoyNut" a Nut?

No. SoyNut is a fanciful term indicating a nut-like flavor or appearance. There is no such thing as a soynut. It is actually a soybean, a member of the legume family.

Nutritional and Ingredient Information on Revised Web Site?

In the individual shopping sections, select any product of interest(except the Combo Packs) and "click" on it. Information will appear on left side of screen below product picture.

What is the shelf life of I.M. Healthy SoyNut Butter?

The unopened shelf life is two years. The opened shelf life is 8 months to 1 year depending on storage conditions.

Is there a "Best By" and production date on the jar?

Yes, both are listed. They are in white print, but very small numbers, located on the colored part of the front label at the lower left side.

"Best By" is listed as Month/Day/Year as in 102409 which is October 24, 2009. Production date is in a six digit code: first three numbers indicate day of year from Jan 1st as 001 to Dec 31st as 365. Next two numbers indicate production year as in 07 which is 2007. Last number is a production shift as in 1, 2 or 3. The production code number for the "Best By" date above would be 297071. The 297th day of the year is October 24, the product was made in 2007 on the first shift and the unopened shelf life is two years which is 102409 as above.

Can I Order Mixed Cases or Try Another Style?

Yes, you can. There are mixed cases(Combo Packs) available in all three product categories: SoyNut Butter, Roasted Sweet Corn and Corn Crumbs. To locate the Combo Packs, go to the "Shop" section of each category and scroll to the Combo options or click the "Combo Pack" selection in the "Shop" menu on the upper right page of any product category. Please be aware that "mixed" is limited to within a product category. There is only one option to mix categories: there is a 3 container Combo Pack that provides the opportunity to try a sample of everything we make. Look for it in the "Combo" sections as well.

Does I.M. Healthy SoyNut Butter have to be refrigerated?

No, although it can be refrigerated and it can go in the freezer as well, but those actions will not dramatically increase shelf life and will detract from the flavor unless removed well before serving. The best way to store the product is in a pantry, out of the light. Sunlight is something to avoid as it will shorten freshness. That is why we suggest a pantry.

Why should I eat this instead of peanut butter?

I.M. Healthy SoyNut Butter has less fat than regular peanut butter. The protein is superior and that is important because many people eat peanut butter for protein. Soy protein is a complete, more metabolically active protein than peanut protein with increased anabolic function.

If peanut butter is prohibited in a school, camp or day care because of the peanut allergy issue, I.M. Healthy SoyNut Butter may go into any "peanut free" zone and provide all the "peanut butter satisfaction" you desire without the risk.

Do I.M. Healthy™ SoyNut Butters provide health benefits peanut butter never can?

Soy contains a group of plant compounds (isoflavones: genistin, daidzin and glycitin) that peanuts do not have. These isoflavones are the substances in soy that may help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, kidney disease, prostate and breast cancer, and osteoporosis. They are also the compounds in soy responsible for cholesterol reduction, the reason the FDA granted certain soyfoods a heart-healthy label in 1999.

Is I.M. Healthy SoyNut™ Butter safe for me, I'm allergic to peanuts?

I.M. Healthy™ SoyNut Butters avoid peanut/tree nut allergy issues; there are no peanuts/tree nuts in the product or anywhere in the manufacturing facility.

Why is soy protein better than that in peanuts?

Because it is more metabolically efficient and active than peanut protein. That means it works better.

Also, most of the substances in soy identified as health promoting are in the protein portion of the bean. What is not in the protein? Soybean oil contains measurable amounts of omega-3 essential fatty acid. Omega-3 has received much favorable attention in the last few years.